Tuesday 28 March 2017

SAP CRM Quick Overview


What is CRM?

CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management” and is a set of methodologies and tools that helps to manage customer relationship in an organized way.
In today's highly competitive business environment, the focus of top companies is increasing on its most valuable assets – customers. Thus, the companies require a suitable software solution to cater to its customers which is user-friendly, easily customizable, fully integrated, and can be implemented flexibly.

Customer Relationship Management is a business strategy for optimizing customer interactions. It helps in understanding your customers, their needs and requirements.
Use of the CRM module.
SAP CRM is the CRM tool provided by SAP and is used for many a business process
SAP CRM is a part of SAP business suite. It can implement customized business processes, integrate to other SAP and non-SAP systems, help achieve CRM strategies. 
SAP CRM can help an organization to stay connected to customers. This way organization can achieve customer expectations with the types of services and products that he or she actually needs.
It also helps to achieve 'Single face to customer', which means the customer get regular & actual information independent of channel through which the he or she is contacting your company.

SAP CRM Overview

As a part of SAP Business Suite, SAP provides solutions which are flexible and open, and which support applications, databases, hardware platforms, & operating systems from most of the major vendors. 
SAP business Suite consists of all modules i.e sap erp,crm,srm..etc.
SAP Business Suite is based on SAP NetWeaver .NetWeaver provides the development and runtime environment for SAP applications and is used for the custom development and integration with other applications and systems.
SAP CRM is embedded in the business environment of the SAP Business Suite.

CRM WebClient User Interface

SAP CRM User Interface started with SAPGUI, and its growth has resulted in SAP CRM Web Client User Interface. CRM Web Client user interface is an enhanced version of the IC Web Client UI. Also, it is business role based UI; therefore, the content which will be visible to the user logged-in depends upon the business roles assigned to the user. This results in a simpler UI for the user, who will be able to access and process only those tasks which are relevant for him or her. With this, the Sales representative who is not concerned with the marketing process will only be able to access and work the Sales related process as per the authorizations assigned.

Web UI Architecture                    

The different software layers are completely separated from each other. The separation allows the connection of any business application via the BOL( Business Object Layer) layer, GenIL( Generic interaction Layer) layer to the presentation layer.
Presentation Layer:
 The Presentation layer of CRM Webclient UI is based on the CRM User Interface Framework, which is the basis for the HTML pages running in the browser.
Business Layer:
The business layer of CRM Webclient UI consists of the following software layers:
Business object layer ( BOL)
The business object layer saves the business object data, for example of sales orders, at runtime of SAP CRM session. This layer guarantees the separation of CRM Webclient UI and the underlying business logic
Generic interaction layer (GenIL)
The generic interaction layer handles the data transfer from the business object layer to the application programming interfaces ( APIs) of the underlying business engine. It is the connection between the business object layer and the underlying business engine.
Business Application:
The business application contains the business logic and the database tables.

SAP CRM is a little difficult to understand.. Try to work out with an example so you can learn fast and it will help you to understand the concepts as well.
we will be happy to receive any suggestions that will help us to improve this blog. this blog not only meant for beginners, in feature i will post some real time scenarios.

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